A single event that spans one or more consecutive days. Attendee’s register for the first date-time only
Autism Ontario- Diagnosis, now what?
You have the diagnosis for your child but you don't know what your next step should be. We will discuss the steps and options to take once a child has received a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. From funding options, to educational resources, private options, to events in the community, there [...]
Your Child’s Medicine Cabinet and Beyond
Cold and flu season is upon us. Do you worry about how to treat fevers, stuffy noses, vomiting, diarrhea and other childhood ailments? Do you wonder when you should see your doctor or go to CHEO? This session is taught by a Registered Nurse with CHEO and will provide you [...]
Comfort Measures for Labour
This workshop is designed to help increase your understanding of the labour process and learn tips, tools and strategies to make labour as comfortable and efficient as possible. Mothers and their labour support person will receive handouts, have the opportunity to ask questions and have a guided hands-on practice from [...]
Emotion Coaching- A Model For The Prevention Of Mental Health Issues in Children
Parents have a tremendous opportunity to influence their children’s emotional development. Specifically, parents can “coach” their child to become aware of their emotions and associated needs, as well as to regulate their upset feelings more easily. We will cover a brief introduction to emotion and emotional development, the problem with [...]
Infant Massage
This 3 session workshop will allow parents to learn how to massage their baby which will help improve sleep, bonding, development and more. For infants under 9 months. Cet atelier est offert en anglais seulement. When: TUESDAY Session 1/3: January 16 Session 2/3: January 23 Session 3/3: January 30 Time: 1:30 pm to 2:30 [...]
Infant Massage
This 3 session workshop will allow parents to learn how to massage their baby which will help improve sleep, bonding, development and more. For infants under 9 months. Cet atelier est offert en anglais seulement. When: Wednesdays Session 1/3: February 7 Session 2/3: February 14 Session 3/3: February 21 Time: 9:30 am to 10:30 [...]
Sing Song Party Time!
It's never too early to start learning about the importance of caring for our environment and all the wonderful creatures on the Earth! Derek starts each class with some basic yoga and then plays silly songs that foster an appreciation for living healthy and environmentally aware. Children are encouraged to [...]
Prenatal Classes ($)
For more than 60 years Mothercraft Ottawa’s Prenatal classes have helped parents gain confidence as they approach the birth of their child. Our Prenatal classes offer a comprehensive overview of the prenatal, birth and postpartum stages.