Part Time Casual Program

Part Time/Casual Daycare

Flexible care for children between the ages of 6 weeks and 18 months.

At Mothercraft Ottawa, we know that finding child care that meets your needs can be challenging and that’s why we created the unique Part Time/Casual Child Care Program. The program provides warm, nurturing care in stimulating early learning environments for children between the ages of six weeks and 18 months. We have room for 10 infants. This unique, licensed program was designed to offer flexible hours to parents who need part time, occasional or emergency child care. Families can use this program for as little as two hours per week or as often as they need, space permitting.

There are two options for using this program: Regular User (families that have the same times and days booked from week to week) and Casual User (families that bring their children to us on a casual/as needed basis). As a regular user, you are required to pay for your space regardless of your child’s attendance and must register on the City of Ottawa Child Care Registry and Waitlist List to apply. As a casual user, you are required to pay for the time that you have booked unless you provide us with 24 hours written notice of cancellation. You can call or email the part time/casual office to inquire if a certain date and time is available.

In alignment with the Minister of Education’s Policy Statement on Programming and Pedagogy, Mothercraft’s Programs are guided by “How Does Learning Happen”, Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years and by “Early Learning for Every Child Today (ELECT).