Postpartum Educational Series for Dads/Partners

Is your partner experiencing Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, since the arrival of the baby/ies? Are you struggling with adjustments, as well as looking for strategies and support for your  partner and your new family addition?

We are offering a 4 part series that will bring you strategies, tools and knowledge for navigating the early weeks and months that follow the addition of a new baby into your family.


Session 1/4: March 1

Session 2/4: March 8

Session 3/4: March 15

Session 4/4: March 22

Time6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Location: Mothercraft Ottawa

Facilitator: Susan Martensen

Babies under 12 months are welcome to join!


Registration will begin January 3rd, 2018 at 9:30 am 613-728-1839 ext.248

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